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Frosmo "Rosemead" 2017-03-13

Release date

2017-03-13 at 08:30 ( / Hotfix: 2017-03-28 at 08:30 (

The Rosemead release introduces two major UI redesign changes.

The Rosemead release hotfix introduces an improvement to the target group editor.

Major changes

UI redesign: Target groups and custom actions

In the Frosmo Administration Panel, the target groups page (Data Management > Segmentation > Target Groups) and the custom actions page (Utilities > Custom Actions) have been redesigned for improved usability and rebranded to match the application's new look and feel. The new pages provide the same functionality as the old pages, but through a more accessible and concise UI. The underlying code has been rewritten in Angular 2.

Target groups

The following screenshots show the old target groups page and editor (click to enlarge).

Old target groups page
Figure: Old target groups page
Old target group editor
Figure: Old target group editor

The following screenshots show the new target groups page and editor (click to enlarge).

New target groups page
Figure: New target groups page
New target group editor
Figure: New target group editor

In the target groups list, the target group details now also include the creation and modification dates, and the specific segment combination is spelled out. In the editor, the old segment filtering options have been replaced with a search that targets segment IDs, names, and descriptions. You can sort the search results by segment ID, name, or creation time.


The hotfix updates the target group editor (see below).

Custom actions

The following screenshots show the old custom actions page and editor (click to enlarge).

Old custom actions page
Figure: Old custom actions page
Old custom action editor
Figure: Old custom action editor

The following screenshots show the new custom actions page and editor (click to enlarge).

New custom actions page
Figure: New custom actions page
New custom action editor
Figure: New custom action editor

In the custom actions list, the custom action details now also include the creation and modification dates. In the editor, the Title field has been removed, so you now define just a Name for the custom action.

Hotfix 2017-03-28

In the target group editor, available segments and selected segments are now grouped by site.

New target group editor after hotfix
Figure: New target group editor after hotfix