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Example: Segmenting visitors based on traffic source

This example shows you how to segment visitors who have arrived on your site from Facebook. By knowing where you visitors come from you can, for example, compare the behavior of visitors arriving from search engines to that of visitors arriving from social media sites and thus estimate how much you should spend on advertising on different types of sites.

Facebook has different domains for mobile visitors and those clicking a link in a group or other web location protected by link shim:





To be able to track all visitors arriving from Facebook, you have to create a segment rule that accepts all these domains.

To create the segment:

  1. In the Frosmo Control Panel, in the sidebar, select Audiences.

  2. Click Create segment.

  3. Click Add new rule, select Visit referrer, and set the segmentation rule:

    The visitor has arrived from a page whose domain contains more than or equal to 1 times, with each site visit counted as a referral.

    This means that all visitors arriving from any URL with the domain containing are segmented. Each arrival from a domain in the defined category is counted as a referral.

    Creating a segment
  4. Select Description, and enter a name and description for the segment as shown in the following figure.

    Creating a segment
  5. When you're done, click Save.